SHINee comeback and StarCraft II release.

So, here I am to talk about my nerdy stuff again.
StarCraft II - Wings Of Liberty are going to be released in four days! YEYS~
and the korean pop band, SHINee, made their comeback some days ago, with their album Lucifer! Awesome~!

Oh, and for those who don't know, Anko's away atm^^''


lmfao. oh, hi.

So, I must admit that I nearly forgot about this blog.
and if I'm not wrong, Anko's on a convent now :'D! I wanted to go too, but yeah... I'm stuck abroad. LOL FAIL.

So all I have hear are loads of lonliness and my laptop. And work ofc.

So, to the I'm-a-wannabe-girly-nerd side, I wa SOOO close to buy a Xbox 360 yesterday, but I didn't.
Just because PS2 doesn't cost like... anythign now, I'll buy that one instead.
Oh and I got intrested in the game Project Zero 3, or even called Fatal Frame 3. SEEMS TO BE SO BADASS GOOD, GAH, I'd love to have it if I wouldn't be so afraid after playing it. (lol yes, I'm a coward.)

Oh so. and I spotted Call Of Duty - Modern Warefare, want that one too.

"Can I die with you so we can never grow old?"

Well, I'm bored, and I listen to only 4 tracks more or less. A Place Where You Belong - Buller For My Valentine, Ring Ding Dong - SHINee, Endless Love - Jackie Chan & Kim Hee Seon and No Other - Super Junior.

Everybody, if you have glasses. Use them.

BRB, fantasizing~

Hahahaha, look at Heechuls face on that pic XD
What is it whith the Super Junior-members and porn? :D

Hmm, well ... I've been singin SuJu-songs until my throat couldn't take more, today :'D .. Or it's actually yesterday now >_> *look at the watch*
I really wish that SuJu could have a scandinavian tour. I would make every effort possible to make it to all of their conserts then *_*

Oh, and everyone that hasn't listened to atleast ONE SuJu-song .. DO IT NOW!
Listen to .. err ... Sorry Sorry :3

Well ... I'm tired and haven't really been doing anything special today (exept doing the laundry D:), so the contribution didn't get especially intresting ... But atleast I wrote something *_*

Well, I'll go and look like this now <:

brb fantasizing

Oyasumi nasai~


lovely quote, isn't it?
So here I am, stuck with Ring Ding Dong - SHINee.
I really LOVE how they sing "Ling ding dong" C:
it soudns so CUTE :D

well...actually I don't have much to say...
My legs are pink after all the sun, and it hurts
so bad to have the laptop on my knees. 
Some korean starcraft player who wanna come
over and hold the computer for me? xD

// Mello~

HEECHUL                    KYUHYUN                   YESUNG
Lololol, poor Teukie, haven't hidden his porn too well... wellwell...
love on this pic!~



EVERYTHING I just wrote dissapeared.
Then I wrote again.
Not that I think that anyone really cares about my day, but I had written SO MUCH (atlest the first time), and looked up quotes and certain English words that I didn't know about and .. UUUH!
Fuck D:


Omegle. And Pikachu. And chocolate since I'm Mello.

Omegle is a pretty random place. From "Hi" to "I want HERMIONE GRANGER...and a space rocket". Well...I ended up sending "Draco Malfoy loves Gryffindor. PIKACHU!" to everyone at the end. sad.sad.sad. lol. But well, it was like... 3 in the morning! xD I have a excuse, I was tired xD
BUT I DIDN'T FOUND ANY KOREANS. Pretty sad actually T__T

Well, at least today, I found a new love. (A new awesome song!)
So, everyone who sees this (more or less 2 persons more than me and Anko :'D),
A Place Where You Belong - Bullet For My Valentine, from the album Fever.
Really good track!
Bullet For My Valentine's 3rd album: Fever!

// Mello~


(Lola valde bilden :C)

Eh, this wasn't really my choise of picture, but Lolas .. yeah >_>
Well, I've spent the night at Lolas house. It was really fun :D
We bathed in her pool, then Nath came over too and we uh.. did something.. whatever xD
When it was getting late we followed her home and back.
Then we played videogames, watched a movie (rather, we watched 15 minutes of it ^^) and just sat with a laptop each :'D
Uh, the night went on like that and now the time's 7.00 ^^
Oh, right, we took a walk too 8D
We talked about raping.. Though, not in a bad way .. i think xD
Uh, I´ve always wondered why people follow others into forests and stuff so easily. I mean, it happens really often >_>
But then Lola asked if I wouldn't go into the forest if it were with HIM ...
Well, of course that's different x'D
I probably shouldn't say anything more. If we actually happen to HAVE readers, I wouldn't want them to have traumas for life :D
Well that's about it for now .. I'll have to go home in a few hours because I have to go to the dentist D':
Damnit >:
Hm, well ...
Ohayo Gozaimasu~


English Anko, awesome idea! I belive VERY HARD that Super Junior, one day will discover our blog, and well, to not överdriva, LOVE IT.  (YES I DID NOT FIND THE RIGHT WORD THERE).

Just because I am the queen of;
writing in english
failing at StarCraft
and writing yaoi-novels about Super Junior, I'll be writing in english too 8D
I'm the best. 8D maybe not.
Kyuhyun oppa, neorago nan noppunirago, SARANGHAE! <3 That's more true 8D

OH, I like to write so much boring things, just cause I suck on

Welll... slutty's not okay...

// Mello

Uh ._.

Well, Lola wanted me to start putting up fun-ish pics on the blog, so ... here's one :D  It'll be a lot of SuJu-pics though, cause that's all I have on this computer (it's my moms) *_*  Atleast the pic is nice, haha<3 8D  /Anko

Well, Lola wanted me to start putting up fun-ish pics on the blog, so ... here's one :D  It'll be a lot of SuJu-pics though, cause that's all I have on this computer (it's my moms) *_*  Atleast the pic is nice, haha<3 8D  /Anko

First English contribution~

Er, well ... yeah, to follow my own advice, I'll write in English this time.
Though, because it's late, and my English wasn't a masterpiece to begin with, It'll probably be pretty fail.
Oh well, who am I if I don't try? :3

I can start with introducing myself (and why the hell do I do that? ._.) 8D I'm Anko, a dumbass 15-year-old who doesn't know anything about anything, but still think of herself as awesome. I talk to much, am quite the nerd and don't look to well eather though, but you'll learn to live with that, just like I have 8D
My biggest dream is to meet Super Junior, especially Kim Hee-Chul, and one day I'll marry him, you'll see ... Yeah ... XD Well, er, I was planning on telling you, but you probably just figured out the fact that I like to dream a lot.. *cough* ^^'

Hmm, I havent really had an introduction in Swedish, now that I think about it .. So I really hope that you Swedish readers (not that we have any readers) can understand English as well 8D

Oh, forgot to say (or write, more like it)! I love Japan, and everything about it. Manga/Anime, the culture (well, all sorts of cultures), the language, their looks .. Well, everything .. Though, I must admit, most East Asians look good Owo'
Especially Heechul<3
Hopefully he'll come with me to Japan some day, and we'll live happily ever after :'D

Oh, but right now, the plan is to be with L, and Lola can be with LK :3 AHAHAHH XD
I'll come back with an introduction about Lola to, when I figured out what all of her names'll be in English, hehe ^^

And that introduction me was quite enough for now, don't you think? (Yeah, no one is going to answer to that, I assume).

The time's 02.17, and I'm tired ...
Goodnight :3

Un, yes, i'm bored *_*

Hum, ja, nu skriver jag igen :'D
Fattade statistiken nu C:
5 läsare :'D
Vänta bara! Inom .... eh ... ja, snart i alla fall, så ska jag ha omvandlat det till 500 :3 ...
*alla skakar på huvudet och Anko får en chock*
Anyways .. Kevin was meeeeeaaaan today :C
Jag ville inte berätta vad Lolicon var (Hemskt är det >: Don't ever read stuff like that, it'll ruin your eyes!) och ... och ... han hotade med att spoila Naruto och One Piece T______T
Curse him :C
Sen hotade han att tala om för folk vad uke var >:
Så jag var tvungen att berätta i alla fall D:

Hmm, nu har jag avreagerat mig liiite *_*
Har börjat se på pokemón igen, och är på liek, avsnitt 14 eller nåt :3 Han har precis fångat (eller snarare råkat obtaina helt enkelt) Squirtle :3
Gillade avsnittet med Charmander mest. Förutom Pikachu så har Charmander alltid varit min favoritpokemon<3 Ooooh, i looove~<3
Önskar de sålde pokemonplushies på konvent ... Then I'd buy those two for shure :3

Oh, and Mello, I think we should start wrighting in English. What if SuJu discovers this blog and doesn't understand what we're saying? :'o *realitylevel in Ankos head: 0.1*

Well, that was that 8D I should probably sleep soon, yesterday I went to bead at like .. 3.30, and the sun was already up, and mom was angry >___> *fail*

Weeell, goodnightie~


Mello Mello~

Det är nördvarning på oss alla~ No need to figh that fact :3
Ochoch .. Jordgubbar<3 8D Fast fattar inte varför du inte gillar värme D': *minnas vinter*
Well .. Um ... Så vad skriver man i en blogg egentligen? (a'

Får improvisera :3
Skulle sett på fotboll (Uruguay - Sydkorea) men mamma har ockuperat TVn och ser på nån failad realityserie, typ The City, tror jag ._.
Och när jag försöker se matchen på internet så hackar hela skiten upp sig D': Damn mamma T_T

Sååå :3 Sitter inomhus hela dagarna D: Boooring as hell >: Sitter i pyjamas också, awesome .. eller inte xD
Inte för att någon kommer att reagera .. Ingen läser bloggen ändå, huhu XD
Nåja, that's all .. for now? 8D Eftersom jag är en extremt uttråkad individ så kommer jag antagligen att skriva igen idag, kanske mer än en gång, till och med :3



Häääj alla som inte läser 8D
iaf, nej, jag e inte en nörd, men min vän,
Sebba-chan, påstår att det är nördvarning på mig :'D
kärleken tillStarCraft tar aldrig slut, eh? :'D

Så, jag är iaf i Polen, men jag är väl utrustad :'D
Laptop, iPod, nu mobil är inte saker som ja lämnade hemma ;D
men iaf, här e de varm, MEEP, inte något som jag gillar D:
så jag sitter inomhus och äter jordgubbar ist! :D

Ha de gött, och längta efter StarCraft 2 realeasen med mig! :'D

Derp *-*

Länge sen vi skrev här. Inte för att jag tror att någon följer bloggen precis, men i alla fall. Man måste ju ändå skriva .. av principskäl XD
Well .. Nu är det sommar, anyways *_* Jobbade första veckan, nu är jag ledig. Med en massa fritid. Tråkig tid för det mesta ^^' Speciellt som många är bortresta >: Well, jag var med Lola-ola-kära-vän-och-slav i tisdags och onsdags. Vi var på hikari-kai och det var massa najs och LK in my pants<3 8D (Nej, det är inte meningen att någon ska fatta) XD

Well.. Undrar vad man ska göra för att få folk att följa en blogg egentligen ... *oerfaren liten tönt*
Kan ju alltid muta med kakor, men vad spelar det för roll om ingen har en aning om att vi mutar dem? :3
Det är i princip bara jag och Mello som läser bloggen ju D: Och Lola ibland, i thinks ._.
What's that shit? D:
Fast vi kanske borde skriva mer intressant? 8D Like .. Öh .. Dunno, lägga upp nudeshots? 8D
Though, that'll never happen XD
Oh, right, det är midsommar idag 8D
Glad Midsommar, minna~
Derp :D

Hum .. Ja, har nu blivit lite småförälskad i någon (gissa vad min biologi/kemilärare sa att förälskerser var? D:), men eftersom han antagligen kommer att be både mig och Lola att dra åt helvete ifall han får reda på det, så är planen i stora drag fortfarande att bli känd, åka till Korea och bli ihop med Heechul, sen åka till Japan och bo där i resten av mitt liv tillsammans med honom<3 C:
*hosta* .. Ja XD
Vi får se hur det går med det .. *_*


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